This outline of my political ideas neither aims to be complete nor incomplete. It aims to be a comprehensive overview of these ideas. Furthermore, it centers mainly on its applicability ideally in Europe, or at least France.
This is the first key point to my perception of Politics. A federation is by far the most just method of organising society. People will inevitably fracture, and have large political, religious, or philosophical disputes, that leaves anyone getting their way with a large swath of the population living under rules they are admantly against.
The solution is therefore, to have government be a decentralized venture, controlled by small geographic regions (French Departments for example) which each have sovereignty over their own land, but share a common military, and a common central constitution guaranteeing certain rights to everyone in each region. This also allows for a real life test of different political ideas: many regions can make new political choices that can be tested, and others seeing the results can then be either comforted in their opposition, or accept it.
This also supposes the free circulation of individuals, capital, and goods, without any tolls from region to region: thus creating a country wherein people can freely move to the region most in accordance with their values and ideals.
Beyond this, certain measures would be taken in charge by the federal governement, among these: the military, and anything to do with defence.
The buget of the federal state, which would be taken from all, and shared equitably (based on population) to each region would be taken as a tax on net worth (and not income) of each individual of the federation. This percentage would be guarenteed to be limited to less than 5% by the constitution, any more taxation being done by the localities themselves.
Not very original an idea, but democracy is at the core of this system. And moreso than any other democracy.
The regime would be a separation of powers with a presidential candidate,
in control of the executive government, and a unicameral house with a number of representatives from each region proportional to its population.
First and foremost there would be very specific rules regarding elections:
Any individual with 100000 signatures (from citizens) in favour of him being a candidate to the presidency is a potential candidate. This is a responsibility upon them, a candidate does not have to promote himself, he may be chosen by others.
Every candidate is afforded equal time in all media.
A designated fund for each candidate is given by the state, and no one may use any other funding whatsoever.
The political program of the candidate must be clearly outlined in a legally binding document which can lead to destitution if it is not implemented.
A presidential or parlimentary term lasts 10 years, renewable as many times as wanted.
However the terms are imperative, that is to say, at any moment a petition of 1 million citizens can subject the president to a vote of no confidence referendum, if he has not fulfilled a promise he made during candidacy (the legitimacy of this accusation is determined by courts, and may be overturned).
The president’s powers are purely executive. He has the job of being the representative of the nation abroad, controlling the army, and of making the law be applied. That is it.
There are a predefined set of ministers, and some may be added or removed by votes from the House.
Among these would be:
Energy, Resources, and Environment (Responsible for the energy production, sale and distribution of the country, protection of the environment, and ensuring the population is fed, housed, and heated)
Interior Defense (Responsible for applying the law, security, police forces, reducing criminality)
Foreign Affairs (Responsible for diplomacy, exchanges and of ensuring protection from hostile powers)
Industry and Work (Responsible for reducing unemployment, funding companies, preventing monopolies and making sure the arket is free and fair)
Economy and Finance (Responsible for the state budget, and the fair repartition of money to all regions)
A minister is elected on a 10 year term, like the president, with an imperative term. A petition can again call for a referendum to remove the minister in place.
Every 4 months the ministers are held accountable by parliament, whom will check them on their promises, and set goals. Anyone judged inapt to continue, or having failed their job can be removed from office, causing a new vote.
The president is responsible for the well fucntioning of the members of governement, he acts as the liaison between the different ministers, and ensures a cohesive plan for all, he has authority over the ministers and if a minister is unable to ensure his job, he may accuse the president of preventing him, which will in turn be brought up in the president’s accountability session.
A member of parliament is elected on a 5 year term by his region. The parliament is shared with a number of representatives proportional to the population of each region.
The Parliament is responsible for keeping the governement in check (that is ensuring they do their job), and of passing laws.
A vote of no confidence can be called for a referendum locally with a petition of 100000 signatures. If the vote succeeds, the election is launched again locally.
Parlimentary Immunity
This concept does not exist, in fact there is parlimentary responsibility instead. That is to say that any member of government not following the law will have a higher punishment than a regular person for committing it, and will automatically have a vote of no confidence organised (if said law is big enough, i.e. for theft or sexual assault, not for a speeding ticket). Those elected to write the law should never transgress it.
Judicial Branch
The judicial system is organised with a heirarchy of courts, going from local, to regional, to federal, and to the supreme court.
Supreme court members are elected on 10 year terms by every judge and lawyer in the country, in a universal vote. Their job is to decide upon the constitutionality of a law (every federal law passed is also passed in front of them to ensure constitutionality).
Should they ever break the law in a major way (again, not a speeding ticket) they are automatically removed from office and are banned from exercising said power ever again.
Local Government
Local institutions will be much more direct in their form of democracy. Local regional assembies are gathered to vote on local laws, and on local executive orders. Any petition with 10000 signatures can and must be debated in the local assembly for a vote. And the organisers of the petition may be part of the debate.
All local debates are public and can be assisted by all.
Anyone with 10000 signatures can become a member of the local parliament, on a 2 year imperative term.
Concrete Political Propositions
Beyond the reformation of our institutions, here are some political ideas that I think should be implemented.
Foreign Policy
Create a strong military, leave NATO, and ensure military independence of Europe, no longer depending on the US
Create ties with Russia and China, to ease tensions, instead of letting the US constantly push for more and more damage
Make it a crime to sell weaponry to anyone recognized as causing a genocide, massacre, or of unfairly using said armory to go against international law.
Reduce military interventionism to a minimum, the army is there for protection, not for meddling in international affairs.
Do not have a state-sanctioned schooling system to be imposed on everyone, give freedom to every school system to be funded by the state
Every school should get funding proportional to the number of students, thus banning private schools, to ensure equality of opportunity.
Every school must have a parent assembly which is given final say over what is and isn’t taught ot their children.
For univeristy, various disciplines can be funded by taxing industries linked to it, thus giving more funding to disciplines with a higher ROI.
It should be obligatory to teach at least one foregin language since a very young age, especially for a unified Europe, to ensure the ability to communicate across the continent.
A national exam can still be made to measure competence in various disciplines, to be taken before entry in university.
Law Enforcement and Punishment
Make illegal any and all drugs which are very detrimental to health (that would include alcohol, cannabis, and ciggarettes [though I would only think of this sort of illegality as being a local law and not a federal law])
Make prostituion, pornography, and any work linked to the sale of sex or sexual content illegal.
Penalize drug sale and distribution heavily, do not penalize consumption
Police officers should at all times be wearing an identifer, and a camera filing them while they do their job.
A representative of the law breaking the law is subject to higher punishment.
Penalize abortion except for Incest, Rape, and a danger to the mother’s life.
The death penalty exists for a small list of crimes among which: murder, rape, high level drug trafficking, human trafficking, or high treason
Allow for physical punishments on inmates, and this punishment is shown publicly
All high-crime court cases where the victims allow it (if they really are victims, so AFTER the verdict) are made public.
Any false accusation which have harmed the reputation, or security of the accused can reap punishment.
Marriage and Family
Make marriage legal starting from puberty
The default system of a marriage is with each keeping his own property after divorce.
Child support is a fixed amount, and is not proportional to the income of the father.
Any and all calls for child support required DNA tests.
Unless one parent is demonstrably violent, or a danger to his children, both parents have a right to equal amounts of time with their children.
Orphans have a right to know their biological parents, and siblings, and should be made aware of them well before adulthood.
Money, and taxation
No taxation on heritage, people have already payed taxes all their life, you will not take from them after death.
Freedom to give out heritage as you please.
Taxation should only be on (static) net worth (i.e. assets like money, cash, appartments and homes, or profits, not shares, or other “active” assets [basically it comes down to whether the asset has risk associated with it or not]). Income is unfair since someone who owns a company has no income, and no expenses, and it stimulates growth, by ensuring people reinvest their money to not have it sitting in a vault, but instead contributing to the economy.
Anyone having committed fraud, or stolen public money must first pay back everything he has stolen, and THEN has his punishment on top of that.
Make interest illegal. And prevent most forms of speculation.
Constitutional Rights to be ensured
Right to beliefs, and to practice religion, or philosophies freely unless you cause harm to anyone. The law is blind to religion and ideology, a law cannot make any provisions specific to religion, or ideology.
Absolute Freedom of speech for everyone. No authority may restrict anyone from saying anything ever. The only cases of penalization are on threats, or false accusations
Rights to assemble and protest, to organise into unions, and to form associations, and companies.
Right to privacy, and habeas corpus. Only through a mandate given by a judge (showing there is proof enough to suspect you of something), can any law enforcement officer record, or precieve any of your personal information be it digital or physical.
Right to defend one’s home: if someone is a reasonable threat (that is, not a 6yo kid) you have the right to take physical force against the individual if they trespass on your property.
Equality of treatment for each individual before the law.