Peoples of Europa, our common history takes its roots far back to the Roman Empire, through blood, our peoples were brought together, in one of the largest empires in history, peoples to be forever thereafter known as Europeans.
After religion spread across the continent, and the ideals of humanism developed, we only further became one and the same. We shared in our vices as we continued our history of bloodshed by spreading it across the world in vicious colonialism, and amongst ourselves culminating in the two most violent and atrocious wars in the history of mankind.
And yet from the ashes of our destroyed landscape, from the piles of bodies, and from the trauma and hatred we all shared and experienced jointly, we arose, built international institutions that have preserved peace for the longest time in history. We agreed to say farewell to war for good. We built the most resilient and successful democracies in the world, and gave our citizens the most rights in history.
We went further and for the first time agreed upon the noble idea of abolishing borders between ourselves, we joined into the Schengen area, we joined monetarily into the Euro-zone, and formed a political alliance today known as the European Union.
We are today home of the best workers rights, the only ones who’s signatures of the Declaration of Human Rights actually stand for something, and a place where people are educated, healthy and prosperous. Of course the EU is not perfect and has its faults, but as with the general history of our Great Continent, we advance together towards what is better for our people.
We as Europeans are unified in so many ways it is impossible to separate us, even when we try to turn to our great national heritages, we are unable to find any which never mingled with other European countries.
The peoples of Europe are inexorably linked in history and in their shared future. For the prosperity we all wish for as Europeans, we all know what must be done, and what should have been done a long time ago.
Today I ask of you, not as a member of a country in Europe, not as a citizen of this Union even, but simply as a European, as an individual born on the soil of this land of Plains, Forests, Mountains, Rivers, and Tundras, I ask of you, my fellow European brethren, to join in the drafting of a European constitution. I ask in no way for us to be subordinate to any of the current European institutions, that have in essence gone towards realizing our common aspirations, but in practice, reduced our rights, tended towards bureaucracy instead of democracy, and favored financial interests over those of people.
If there is one thing we know of as members of Europe, its that we have never acquired all the rights we now possess, or the strength and national unities we relish in through gifts and grants from our rulers. We have all renounced the Old world of aristocracy and have abolished their unjust privileges, we have seen that through popular uprising we could fight for our own rights, we have all had revolutions leading to democracy. I do not use here democracy to mean the athenian sort, but the much grander generality, that which calls to republics, parliaments, and representation, but also the ideals of separation of powers, non-presidentialism, and the idea of political liberalism, that of letting everyone do that which they are free to do, forever restricting that which law can restrict, a principle which itself relies upon the original presupposition of the rule of Law.
We must now then reignite our old ways, we have within Europe all flavours of democracy imaginable, all ways of thinking, and all peoples who know from their own countries the dangers or problems linked with different systems. We know how interests have manipulated our countries’ governments and usurped our democracies. It is now up to us to usurp the thrones once again.
Today we should proclaim the end of an era, and the birth of a new one. We should say goodbye to the oligarchies of Europe: The transnational corporations which exploit the European market, keeping themselves in fiscal paradises, and exploiting cheap labour in poorer regions. The same companies which while claiming to protect human rights within our borders, have no accountability abroad. The same oligarchs who actively work to divert the politics of the Union to be in their own interests and to forget those of the citizens. The oligarchs who made the European Central Bank and the Union in general impose impossibly difficult sanctions upon Greece, destroying the rights of workers with their austerity measures. The oligarchs who have progressively inflitrated and usurped our own national governments.
Today we find ourselves often in democratic deficit, a feeling of usurpation, a feeling that while we vote we still have no choice, that no matter what we pick, the decisions are already made. This is not a national sentiment, it is a European one, and must be met with a European effort. We must rise from our lands and reestablish the Republic, as should have the Romans to their emperors, we should now rid ourselves of the New Aristocrats, and create a new Europe.
Join me in writing the constitution for Europa, a country with a government of the peoples, by the peoples, and for the peoples of Europa. A Europa in which we have representative universal suffrage in the choice of all our leaders. A Europa with clear institutions which are not responsible only to themselves but to the citizens who elected them, who derive their power not from the national governments of member states, but from the European citizens from which they derive their legitimacy.
If you believe, like me, that people who share common ideals should be united regardless of their background, if you like me believe that Europa is the source of the best governance in the world and that it is up to us to lead in example.
Then help me build Europa.
If you like me are tired of the United States claiming to be a beacon of hope and a symbol of liberty when they treat the world like a playground for their army, and their own population is considered abused by European standards, if you like me no longer want Europe to cow to international interests be they American, Russian, or Chinese, if you wish for Europe to have the strength to reestablish balance on the world scene, to be the other global power apart from America which unlike them is still attached to its ideals of Human rights. If you want us to regain our Old Glory, but this time an earned glory, a country fighting for freedom and Peace, a country which seeks to establish pacifism and respect for individuals across the globes,
Then help me build Europa.
If you want Europe to defend itself against the economic parasite attempting to subdue all opposition known as China, or the megalomaniachal United States who believes they have the right to intervene in elections, who believes they have the right to spy on billions, who believes they have the right to impose international law they do not themselves respect, and who believes themselves above international agreements, recklessly pulling other countries into violent conflict without care for the individuals within these states,
Then help me build Europa.
If you don’t want Russia to have no more options but to invade Europe to protect itself from the NATO block, or to have no one but the Americans to compete with in their interventions in the Middle East they continue to ravage by war.
If you want our great peoples to be redeemed for the mistakes of our rulers who abused the rights of billions of peoples across the world, who starved, killed, enslaved, and extinguished populations, pillaging and claiming their lands, if instead of this you want our people to now represent what humanity has always tended to: cooperation and aid, to help further the development of other countries, and to fix our past mistakes,
If you want even just one of these wishes to come true, then help me build Europa.
And for those who fear the loss of their national identities, who fear standardization and the oppression of minorities, who fear the overrunning of their cultures and lands by members of other cultures who do not understand or care for them. Know that it is only through common and direct alliance of our peoples that we will protect all of that which we hold dear. In a world of increasing threats to Europe it is better for us to turn ourselves together than to be subdued by others. Our diversity has not waned when we created Schengen, it did not either with the euro, or with the EU, we have only grown into better allies, started to understand each other and to work together, and this will be the biggest test that fate gives our peoples:
will the members of Europa be those who will fall back to their previous divisions, will they instead let themselves be subdued by their oligarhs into an economic union which forgets the individual and lets the member states all tend towards dictatorship, or will they ally, learn to be multilingual, to understand their differences, and to work together for a common goal. This goal is the dream of Europa.
Join me in this dream, the dream of uniting the nations that gave us Bach, Chopin, and Vivaldi, the nations who’s members theorised the ideals of democracy, be they Rousseau, Kant, Cicero, or those who have criticised its excesses like Plato. The dream of people’s taking on their own destiny, of the people joining in the ideals that were drafted in 1789, when the Human Rights were first written. This my fellow Europeans, is the basis for our commonalities. Those who fear the alliance of the people are those who tell us we are different when we are not, we all learn multiple European languages in school, we all learn only slivers of the grand European history, but we all know that we are all as responsible for the atrocities of our ancestors.
The Germans who today still pay reparations for the war suffer humiliation when almost all of Europe’s peoples were guilty: The French had a Vichy government before De Gaulle which cooperated with the Nazis, Italy had Mussolini, and Spain had Franco. The Eastern European countries who contributed to the 27 million who died were almost forgotten as they were joined together within the Soviet block. We musn’t forget who we are, but we must remember we are all one and the same, we have always spoken different tongues, and yet within this diversity, was where our culture, power, intelligentia, and greatness flourished. Since the Roman Empire we were all unified, “barbarians”, those who did not speak Latin, were still joined, they still all kept their fates intertwined. Many other countries exist with hundreds if not thousands of languages, we have the advantage of being in the most educated continent in the world, where almost everyone is given instruction in multiple languages, and whether people like it or not, the lingua franca already exists as English within the continent.
Our ancestors succeeded in extinguishing monarchy, in moving to democracy, despite the immense difficulties of the time, the needs to educate people, the requirements in communication, and the immense powers of the establishment. Today we need not these institutions, we need not arms or funds to enable a peaceful revolutionary movement, we can all draft our constitution and agree on the world we want to build together, without the need of our representatives, we have the most advanced, fast and cheap mode of communication in history, the internet as our network, we can together build this dream.
To those who still think this all illusory, know that it is only through a majority of people believing this to be true that it stays so, so for every individual you convince, one more is allied to our cause, and we are one step closer to bringing back the glory of our noble continent. And remember that an ideal such as Europa, was once just as unthinkable as democracies within the minds of Europeans.
Thus I call upon you, people of Europa, to join me, and together, let us enact this dream that once was, this dream that still is, and the dream that will one day be true
the dream,
of Europa.
Originally published at on May 22, 2022.